+256 414 530 353


UYDEL is a pioneer NGO in alcohol, drug and substance abuse prevention in slum areas and schools. UYDEL focuses on prevention strategies in terms of community outreaches, seminars, drama and film shows, counseling, psychosocial support, sports and recreation and vocational livelihood skills training. UYDEL has conducted studies to examine the magnitude of drug abuse and recommendations for interventions in project areas.

With financial support from IOGT-NTO Sweden, UYDEL spearheaded and championed a lobbying and advocacy campaign for an effective National Alcohol Policy since 2008. The loose umbrella network of the Uganda Alcohol Policy Alliance (UAPA) formed after the first East African Alcohol Policy Conference in Arusha Tanzania, 2009, reviewed the draft National Alcohol Policy (NAP) and the document did not meet the interests of the Ugandan citizens; it compromises public health principles and ignores the good practices that have been found effective in regulating alcohol in other countries.

Lobbying and advocacy efforts are targeted at government mainly focusing on; increasing taxes on alcohol products; banning alcohol packed in polythene sachets and have alcohol packed in a minimum of 250 mls glass bottles; banning all forms of alcohol advertising, promotion and sponsorship that promote alcoholic products by any means that are false, misleading or deceptive; reducing the number and density of outlets, locations, days and hours of opening to reduce the harm done by alcohol; enforce non selling of alcohol to minors and intensive awareness and education campaigns in communities about the effects of alcohol.

UYDEL is currently implementing a Regional Drug Abuse Prevention Project supported by Mentor Foundation. The project focuses on;

1) The preparation and printing of advocacy materials linked to the project and the communicating the focus of UYDEL\'s prevention activities.

2) Hold three national one day workshops on \"best practice in prevention\" undertaken by Mentor and UYDEL staff.

3) Providing a website component and a Newsletter targeted at the East African population and in particular education and youth agencies, professionals, parents and caretakers that have a focus on prevention work in the East African region.

4) Revising and producing the peer to peer manual to ensure its relevance, sound information and availability for the East African region.

5) Producing a hard copy version of the Prevention Smart Parents programme for use by those with no computer or internet access.

6) Facilitating UYDEL to become a formal Mentor \"partner in prevention\" and attaining affiliated status based on sound international principles and standards for operating as an effective and efficient prevention organization.

7) Development of a regional East African center for prevention in collaboration between Mentor and UYDEL.