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Uganda was one of the earliest countries to experience a generalized AIDS Epidemic with a population of 34.6 million, of whom of 1.2 million (6.4%) are living with HIV and AIDS. More women are infected and affected by HIV and AIDS than men, and at younger ages, accounting for about 57% of all adults living with HIV and AIDS. Beginning in the late 1980s, the Government, Non-government organizations (NGOs) and the International Community launched an aggressive public health response to AIDS.Perhaps as a result of these efforts, substantial declines in HIV prevalence have been observed since 1990s.

In an effort to contribute to the reduction of the HIV and AIDS prevalence among vulnerable and marginalized young people in Uganda, Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) in collaboration and consultation with the communities and the vulnerable young people designed the HIV and AIDS Prevention Intervention which is aimed at contributing to the implementation of the National HIV and AIDS Strategic plan 2007/8 – 2011/12.

The HIV and AIDS Prevention Programme, aims at contributing: to the increased accessibility and utilization of client-friendly HIV and AIDS services for out of school street and slum young people aged between 10 to 24 years infected and affected by HIV and AIDS; and the reduction of HIV and AIDS related vulnerability by among MARPS and street and slum young people through community mobilization and empowerment of young people with livelihood and life skills. Project beneficiaries directly targeted under this intervention include:

  • Most at Risk populations with a particular focus on Commercial sex workers.
  • The General population – out of school young people, street children, slum young people and orphans and other vulnerable young people.
  • The general communities inclusive of parents, guardians, caregivers, and siblings are also indirectly targeted through community outreach advocacy and awareness campaigns, using educative music, dance and drama and sport outreach.