+256 414 530 353


Vocational skills training is aimed at achieving skill levels sufficient for the vulnerable young people to find either employment in the competitive market conditions or to start gainful self-employment. Identification of vocational skills courses is made by social workers based on children's interest, skills and level of education, resource availability and labor market assessment.

To ensure quality and meaningful training, the courses take a minimum of 9 months. The rehabilitated young people are attached or linked to prospective employers through internship/industrial training with hotels, electronic workshops, motorbike repair workshops, saloons, and other line institutions of the young people's skills undertaking. Tool kits and/or protection measures (sewing machines, tool boxes, hair dyers, etc.) are provided to the young people upon graduation to help them find future opportunities to earn an income.

In regard to rehabilitation, UYDEL conducts field visits to communities, child work sites, referral by community members and use of former child/youth beneficiaries are used as strategies to reach out to victims of CSEC, trafficking, drug abuse and other Worst Forms of Child Labour for withdrawal and rehabilitation. Peer group counseling and discussions are promoted for young people in similar circumstances, and are encouraged to share their experiences with each other for emotional support and devise means of coping with trauma, and low self-esteem. The young people are assisted to evolve a socially acceptable behavior through encouragement of acceptable behavior.

Psycho social counseling for the young people is recognized as a right and professional counseling services are made available to the young people to deal with trauma and emotional resilience during the rehabilitation period.  Talent identification and recreation services such as art, music dance drama and sports are promoted and regarded as a basic need and right of the young people as well as an essential component in the healthy personality development of any young person. These recreational activities are promoted to bring out the children's unique abilities and capacities to deliver in other fields of work.

The Jewel Girls art therapy is implemented as part of the psycho-social support activities for girls who have gone through various traumatic situations and challenges including sexual exploitation and abuse, trafficking and HIV/AIDS. Supported by a social worker, the girls participate in open and informal discussions where they share experiences and support each other to overcome difficult situations as they make beads and necklaces out of recycled paper. Jewel Girls primary objective is to use jewelry making and other crafts as a form of art therapy for adolescent girls who have been trafficked, sexually abused and/or exploited.